Imagine if you had the most perfect outdoor area to complement your amazing luxury home? Well at Domination Homes, we make that vision a reality.
The perfect outdoor area is not out of reach. We have a dedicated team of experts who understand the fundamentals of creating a luxury outdoor space. Whether you have a narrow lot or some extra space to work with, we can make your dream outdoor area a reality. The outdoor area is dependent on the person and requires insight into the way the home is going to be used. When building with Domination Homes, you will work closely with our design team to create the perfect home.
So how does our team create the perfect home?
1. Incorporate your pool
Hot, Australian summers are the key reason that a pool is a requirement for any modern home. Incorporating your pool to complement your outdoor area, could mean that you add some elements of your outdoor setting in your pool area. This could mean that you have a lounge setting near your pool area, or look at ways to add elements of sociality to your pool.
2. Neutral colours
New year, new trend. And a new trend means that your existing outdoor décor goes by the wayside. Choosing neutral colours will give your home longevity and will allow for accents to supplement. In 2018, colour your outdoor area with accent colours like black forest, emerald green and watermelon red.
3. The perfect kitchen
You’ve heard of the scullery, but what about an entire outdoor kitchen? A staple in many modern homes, the outdoor kitchen allows you to take the entire party outside. Many people find that when they are entertaining, the guests will gravitate around the kitchen area. How do you get those guests outdoors? Bring your kitchen outside. It also minimises the mess that is made inside the house as you are preparing the food for your guests.
4. Maximising space
Given the shrinking nature of block sizes in Perth, it is important to maximise the space of your outdoor area so that you still feel as though it is a prominent feature of your home. If you are looking to create storage space, or space just to “chill out”, work with the people who understand how to create amazingly open spaces on a tight block. Make sure you work with the builders who understand how to build on a narrow lot.
To get a better idea of some of the amazing outdoor areas we can create at Domination Homes, visit our new display home at 59 Glenelg St, Applecross. The display home is open Monday and Wednesday 3pm to 6pm and Saturday and Sunday 1pm to 5pm. For more information, contact our sales team today.